Conveyor belts by Codina Metal

Conveyor belts consist basically of joined wires forming an endless belt, which is used for the continuous transfer of products. Wire belts are available in many different materials for numerous productions and process applications with wide range of temperatures ranges from freezing to heat treatment.

Belts are built with flat wire spirals across the belt's width and connected with either straight or crimped cross bars. The crossbar edges are either welded or linked.

cinta transportadoras. Medidas de la cinta transportadoras metálicas.

A: Spirals wire diameterB: Spirals pitch

C: Rods wire diameter

D: Distance between rods

Material used and recommended maximum temperatures

Manganese steel (steel) 350ºC
Galvanized steel 180ºC
Chromium steel - AISI 502 <600ºC
Stainless steel 18/8 - 1.4307 - AISI 304 750ºC
Stainless steel 18/8/2 - 1.4401 - AISI 316 800ºC
Refractory steel 25/20 - 1.4841 - AISI 314 1150ºC
Refractory steel 37/18 - 1.4864 - AISI 330 1150ºC
Refractory steel 80/20 - 2.4869 1150ºC

Technical information


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